September 12th, 2014
Welcome to ESRLab

Dear Visitor:
Welcome to our laboratory group's website. Our researches focus on Embedded Systems Design, Low Power
Design, Dependability Evaluation and Reliability Assessment, Internet of Things (IoT) & firmware. We have
material available for download including publications, tools, and research data. We are looking forward
to hearing from you.
Embedded Systems Research Laboratory (ESRLab) is located in the
Department of Computer Engineering ,
Sharif University of Technology.
Recent News:
- 2024-04: New journal paper has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
- 2024-02: Congratulations to Moein Esnaashari for successfully defending his M.Sc. thesis.
- 2024-01: Congratulations to Abolfazl Younesii for successfully defending his M.Sc. thesis.
- 2023-07: New journal paper has been accepted at IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
- 2023-06: Congratulations to Hossein Kalantari for successfully defending his M.Sc. thesis.
- 2023-04: Congratulations to Amin Moloudi for successfully defending his M.Sc. thesis.
- 2023-02: Congratulations to Roozbeh Siyadatzadeh for successfully defending his M.Sc. thesis.
- 2023-02: Congratulations to Fatemeh Mehrafrooz for successfully defending her M.Sc. thesis.
- 2022-08: New journal paper has been accepted at IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems.
- 2022-07: New journal paper has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
Recent Publications:
- TAFT: Thermal-Aware Hybrid Fault-Tolerant Technique for Multicore Embedded Systems IEEE Embedded Systems Letters Early Access, 2024
- A Comprehensive Survey of Convolutions in Deep Learning: Applications, Challenges, and Future Trends IEEE Access Volume 12 Pages 41180-41218, 2024
- Enhancing Sensor Fault Tolerance in Automotive Systems with Cost-Effective Cyber Redundancy IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles Early Access, 2024
- ReLIEF: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Real-Time Task Assignment Strategy in Emerging Fault-Tolerant Fog Computing IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023
- Daemon computers versus clairvoyant computers: A pure theoretical viewpoint towards energy consumption of computing 2020
- Power Management to Meet Thermal Safe Power in Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems TechRxiv, Preprint(2021), doi:10.36227/techrxiv.14703192.v1
- Speeding up Design Verification Using Co-operation of Simulation and Emulation in Proceedings of IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics pp. 283-288, Cluj-Napoca Romania, May 2002
- SILVER: A Simulation-based Fault Injection Tool at Switch Level Using Verilog in Proceedings of Joint 1st Int. Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 3rd Int. S Tsukuba, Japan, October 2002
- Fast Prototyping with Co-operation of Simulation and Emulation in Proceedings of International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Application (Springer LNC pp. 15-25,Montpellier (La Grande-Motte), France, 2002
- Fault Injection into Verilog Models for Dependability Evaluation of Digital Systems in Proceedings of International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2003) pp. 281-287, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2003
Current research areas
- Fault Injection in Firmware Level
- Firmware Simulators
- Digital Right Management
- Real-Time Embedded Systems
- Dependable Embedded Systems
- Low Power Embedded Systems
- Drive-by-Wire
- Hardware-in-the Loop (HiL)
- Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
- Electronic Throttle Control (ETC)
- Digital Twin
- Power Consumption Issues in Fault-Tolerant systems
- Power Management in Real-Time Systems
- Adiabatic Circuits
- Fault Injection into HDL Models (Simulation-Based and FPGA-Based)
- Energy Efficient Communication Protocols
- Ultra low Power Edge Devices